
My sexuality <3

Gay! (non-women for non-women)

My gender(s)

I did not coin most of these Xenogenders!

Nonbinary (not a xenogender!)Pronouns; they/them

Somnucomficpronouns I associate this with: pillow/pillows, bed/beds, sleep/sleeps, blanket/blankets, jump/jumps, teddy/teddys,

PupgenderPronouns I associate with this xenogender: pup/pups, puppy/puppys, dog/dogs, doggy/doggys

Medibunnicpronouns I associate with this gender: nurse/nurses, bun/buns, needle/needles, nursebun/nursebuns

Abluocomfiepronouns I associate with this gender: clean/cleans, plush/plushs, soft/softs, wash/washs

bunangelgenderpronouns I associate with this: Bunny/bunnys, angel/angels, bunangel/bunangels, sky/skys, cloud/clouds

Oldbridgegender (coined by me!!)a gender that feels like being a old worn down bridge, unable to carry cars or people amymore, a gender of imperfectionbridge/bridges, old/olds, oldbridge/oldbridges, Red/reds, brick/bricks

Robot catgender!!pronouns I associate with this gender: robot/robots, cat/cats, kitties/kitties, robotcat/robotcats

Strawberrycatgenderpronouns I associate with this gender: strawberry/strawberries, strawberrycat/strawberrycats, mew/mews, pink/pinks, fruit/fruits

strawbcloudePronouns I associate with this gender: Straw/straws, cloud/clouds, fluff/fluffs, strawberrycloud/strawberryclouds, ☁/☁s

genderconfusumpronouns I associate with this gender: confused/confuseds, ???/???s, Unsure/unsures, void/voids


Pronouns I associate with this gender: sparkle/sparkles, dogs/dogs, XD/XDS, bright/brights, neon/neons

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